Specific status: Akrotiri and Dhekelia‡ · Faroe Islands · Gibraltar · Guernsey · Isle of Man · Jersey – Limited recognition: Abkhazia‡ · Republic of Artsakh‡ · Gagauzia · Kosovo · South Ossetia‡ · Transnistria · Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus‡ · United Nations Buffer Zone in Cyprus‡
‡: partly located in Europe

Insignia - Emblemas - Emblèmes[edit]
- See also: Category:Symbols of Jersey
Flags - Banderas - Drapeaux - Couleurs[edit]
Heraldry - Heráldica -Héraldique - Êtchussons[edit]
Parishes - Paroisses - Pâraisses[edit]
Maps - Cartes[edit]
- See also: Category:Maps of Jersey
Buildings - Bâtiments - Bâtisses[edit]
- See also: Category:Buildings in Jersey
The Elms, National Trust for Jersey
Twin automatic teller machines dispensing a choice of Bank of England banknotes or Jersey banknotes
Castles - Châteaux - Châtchieaux[edit]
- See also: Category:Castles in Jersey
Parish Halls - Salles Paroissiales - Salles Pârouaîssiales[edit]
Churches - Églises - Églyises et chapelles[edit]
Schools and colleges - Écoles et collèges[edit]
German Occupation 1940-1945 - Occupation allemande - Otchupâtion[edit]
Witches' stones - Pièrres dé chorchièrs[edit]
Places - Lieux - Pliaiches[edit]
Nature - Natuthe[edit]
Heritage - Patrimoine - Héthitage[edit]
Open air eucharist at Hermitage of Saint Helier during Saint Helier's Day Pilgrimage, St. Helier, 17 July 2005.
"Setting Sun" by Victor Hugo (Jersey 1853-1855)
Cuisine - Mangi[edit]
Mèrvelles - Jersey Wonders
Dolmens - Pouquelayes[edit]
Plaques - Pliaques[edit]
People - Gens[edit]
Sir Michael Birt, Bailiff of Jersey (2009 - )
Sir Philip Bailhache, Bailiff of Jersey ( - 2009)
Senator Ian Gorst, Chief Minister (2011- )
Senator Terry Le Sueur, Chief Minister (2008-2011)
Senator Frank Walker, Chief Minister (2005-2008)
Senator Ben Shenton, Senator Terry Le Sueur, Senator Philip Ozouf - greet members of clergy, Liberation Day 2009
Simon Crowcroft, Connétable of St Helier; Bob Key, Dean of Jersey
Sir Robert Pipon Marett (1820-1884), Bailiff of Jersey, poet
Augustus Asplet Le Gros (A.A.L.G.), Jersey poet (1840-1877)
Gerald Durrell, founder of Jersey Zoo
Lillie Langtry by John Everett Millais
John Everett Millais, Jersey painter
Victor Hugo in Jersey, taken by son Charles Hugo (1853-55)
Albert Bedane, Righteous among nations
Graves - Tombes[edit]
Images by Parish - Images par Paroisse - Portraits par Pâraisse[edit]
Saint Brelade - Saint-Brélade[edit]
Saint Clement - Saint-Clément - Saint Cliément[edit]
Saint Helier- Saint-Hélier - Saint Hélyi[edit]
Saint John - Saint Jean[edit]
Saint Lawrence - Saint Laurent - Saint Louothains[edit]
Saint Martin - Saint-Martin - Saint Martîn[edit]
Saint Mary - Sainte-Marie - Sainte Mathie[edit]
Saint Ouen - Saint-Ouën[edit]
Saint Peter - Saint-Pierre - Saint Pièrre[edit]
Saint Saviour - Saint-Sauveur - Saint Saûveux[edit]
Trinity - La Trinité - La Trinneté[edit]
Coat of arms, with Trinity diagram