Ex Faculty of Agricultural Studies.
It is a composite scientific collection, represented by all the objects, artifacts and specimens. It is composed by: 70 specimens of breeding fruit trees, a botanical collection of 23 specimens of plants or parts of them such as flowers, fruits and other organs, a didactical herbarium composed by 280 panels of dried plants, an entomological collection with 5 specimens of mouthparts of insects and insect house consisting of some entomological boxes, a collection of comparative anatomy made up of 10 anatomical samples, a zoology collection with numerous formaldehyde samples. The classroom is located on the ground floor of the old building of the former Faculty of Agriculture with cabinets, counters and scientific equipment for the study of materials exposed. It is available to students and faculty at scheduled times throughout the academic year. On request it may be open to the public. At the Departments other interesting materials are preserved, including a collection of seeds of cultivated herbaceous species, and also available to students, a collection of minerals and rocks from different backgrounds. At the educational-experimental Azienda Agraria there is a precious orchard used for teaching as well as other interesting collections being prepared.
Presso i Dipartimenti della Facoltą sono conservati inoltre altri materiali interessanti, tra cui una raccolta di semi di specie erbacee coltivate, e una raccolta di minerali e rocce di diversa provenienza anch'esse a disposizione degli studenti. Presso l'Azienda Agraria didattico-sperimentale della Facoltą č conservato un prezioso pomario didattico e si stanno allestendo altre interessanti collezioni.
L'aula č ubicata al piano terreno del vecchio edificio della Facoltą di Agraria con armadi, vetrine, banconi e attrezzature scientifiche per lo studio dei materiali esposti; č a disposizione di studenti e docenti in orari prestabiliti durante lintero anno accademico.
The Agrarian Collection is available exclusively on the web site www.sma.unitus.it/index.php/collezioni-della-facolta-di-agraria.html
On request it is open to the public.
scientific director of the Agriculture Collection is Prof. Eddo Rugini.
Tel. 0761 357535