Museum of Origins - La Sapienza University, Rome
The Museum of Origins contains prehistoric Italian material from the Lower Palaeolithic to the First Iron Age. Artefacts on display come from the Rellini collection, named after the museum's founder, or are on loan from various Superintendencies in Italy. The most ancient artefacts include flint tools dating back to the Lower Palaeolithic (from 500,000 years ago) and a skull of Elephas antiquus discovered in the area near the Imperial Forums, Rome. There are also numerous artefacts from key contexts of Italian prehistory, including: Coppa Nevigata, with material from the Early Neolithic and Middle and Late Bronze ages, the Copper Age village of Conelle di Arcevia, the pile-dwelling site of Ledro, with a few exceptionally well preserved wooden artefacts, the Bronze Age funerary cave of Manaccore, a few funerary sets from Protovillanovian cemetery of Sasso di Furbara, Rome, and part of the Bronze hoard of Piediluco, dating back to the First Iron Age.
There is a warehouse-laboratory adjoiningthe exhibition areas, where cataloguing activities take place and artefacts are studied. The museum is also home to an archeometric laboratory, where specialist investigations of archaeological materials are carried out, with various microscopes (metallographic, polarised light, stereoscopic), a photographic system for the documentation of images and a video system for lessons and seminars on thematic topics.
University courses, guided visits and educational laboratories for schools are regularly held at the museum.
The museum is open to the public from Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm.
Tel. (+39) 06 4991392