Itinerary edited by UNIVERSITY OF PARMA
At the beginning of his academic carrer, the anatomist Lorenzo Tenchini (1852-1906) who had Cesare Lombroso as a teacher at the Pavia University, published a review on the development of the frenological doctrines of the time, that was awarded with the Fossati Award of the Istituto Lombardo of Milan, 1879.
In 1881 he got the position as anatomist at the University of Parma, where he focused on the study of the brain and its anatomical variants, with special interest in the ideas of Cesare Lombroso related to the criminal anthropology.
His investigations were done at the mascroscopic level, primarily on the cadevers of the inmates of the Parma Penitentiary, and in collaboration with the colleagues of Forensic Medicine of the University of Parma. As a result, he made a number of anatomical preparations, and collected the clinical and legal histories of the subjects analyzed.
1852 birth of Lorenzo Tenchini
1879 awarded with the Fossati Award of the Istituto Lombardo in Milan
1881 nominated professor of Human Anatomy at Parma University
From 1893 starts a political local carrer
1906 sudden death