Lorenzo Tenchini - Publications and findings
Tenchini L. (1880). Contributo alla storia dei progressi dellanatomia e della fisiologia del cervello nel secolo corrente con particolare riguardo alla dottrina di Gall (dalle ultime pubblicazioni di Gall al 1870). Napoli-Roma: Detken.
Tenchini L. (
Cervelli di delinquenti (Voll. 1-3). Parma: Battei.
Tenchini L. (
Anatomia descrittiva (Voll. 1-3). Milano: Vallardi.
Tenchini L. (
Compendio di anatomia umana normale. Milano: Vallardi.
Tenchini L. (
Corso di embriogenesi. Parma: Battei.
Tenchini developed (and thus invented) an original technique to reproduce the facial morphological features of the subjects he used for his anatomical dissective and macroscopic studies, primarily the brain and some body parts, eventually preserved through dehydration methods. Starting from a cast of the subjects face obtained using a moulding material (plaster and natural tissues) he completed the facial anatomical details using both coloured wax, and parts of the face skin (including hairs), performing a sort of face transplant, whose aim was related to his frenological and forensic interests of investigation.